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Alyssa Martin

photo of white female-presenting woman with blue hair


Full Stack Developer

After graduating high school, joining the Air Force, and starting a family, I decided to take the curveballs life threw me after the global pandemic and take up a career in coding!

Knowledgable in...

logo css logo html logo javascript logo ruby logo sql

...and always learning more!


Using the knowledge gained during my time at LEARN Academy and previous skills acquired just 'tinkering around', I have built several projects that show off my ever-growing tech skills.


picutre of a tic tac toe game on a website

A classic game comes to the internet! Built using Meta's React App, this game was originally a class project that was later improved with additional technical skills and experience. In addition to the built in React features, utilized skills include CSS, HTML, and JS.

Text based Adventure Game

picture of a computer terminal playing a text based game

A bit old school, but one of the absolute best projects created during my time at LEARN Academy! This text-based adventure game goes back to the basics using just Ruby and the terminal to create this fantastic adventure!

Cat Tinder

Coming soon! Check back later. :)

picture of

About Me

Not sure who I wanted to be when I grew up, I joined the Air Force right out of high school. There, I fell in love, had a baby, and got married! We later added another kiddo and three cats to our family.
My husband's job always leads us on grand adventures, moving us from the USA to England and on to Japan! Never one to sit still, I got my BA in business and Masters in Business Administration (MBA) along the way.

After my previous employer suffered from the ongoing global pandemic, I took the opportunity to pursue a life long goal of becoming a full-stack developer through LEARN Academy!

While I never know where my husband's career will move our family next, I know that there will always be my computer and internet!


After the birth of my first kiddo, I became a Labour and Postpartum Doula (non-medical birth assistant). I also took up knitting and collecting a deck of cards form every place we visit.


High School ('10)

In 2010, I graduated high school from West Morris Mendham High School in Mendham, NJ.

UMGC ('18)

In 2018, I graduated from the University of Maryland Global College with my Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing & Accounting.

UMGC ('20)

In 2020, I graduated from the University of Maryland Global College with my Masters in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing & Entrepreneuership.

LEARN Academy ('23)

In 2023, I graduated from LEARN Academy and earned my certification as a Full-Stack Web Developer


Questions? Concerns? Want to hire me? Contact me below! :)

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